Wider than the Sea by Serena Molloy

Exquisitely penned. Tender, filled with voice and heart, Wider Than the Sea is a fabulous debut from Irish writer Serena Molloy.
Ró  is struggling with the words on the page – they swim around – but not in the delicate way the dolphin in the sea does. It takes a tuned-in teacher to reach over to Ró and help her confidence which has taken a real battering. She helps Ró discover what makes her… her. In the meantime Ró is also struggling to deal with growing up and the changes to her body that come with that. In the meantime her relationships with her friends are shifting and the bickering between her parents that she can’t seem to get to the bottom of… is that her fault too?
I absolutely adore verse novels – when penned brilliantly – and this one is absolutely penned brilliantly. Delicate, poignant and heart felt. An utter joy to read.

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