Trucks On Trucks by Sorche Fairbank & Nik Henderson


What could possibly be better than trucks? More trucks, of course! What a brilliant idea!
If trucks are your thing, this is the book for you! No gender or age restrictions, Trucks On Trucks is a fun book for everyone, and not only for those who love trucks! But just in case you didn’t really care much about them before, you will now!
Sorche Fairbank debuts in the picture book world with a promising future of funny (and brilliant!) premises with a twist, enriched with rhythmic and funny plays on words.
The illustrations are equally joyful. Who else to match that wittiness other than Nik Henderson? The highly textured colourful illustrations give us that rough and rustic look that we like to see on trucks: the look of a lived truck, a well rusty one preferable!



Also that crayon similarity to kid’s drawings — which is very child-friendly and makes drawing tucks look so easy.
Red truck, blue truck, old truck, new truck, more trucks! The more you think the more see it, the more you read the more you like it! There is no ending for the truck possibilities: small, large, clean, dirty, you name it! Can you think of a truck that tows a truck on a truck?!



Just when you think you are getting the full idea… boom! If I could pick my two favourites, they would certainly be “pink truck on tow truck” and “pig truck on big rig truck”! You mind will go crazy with what more this book can bring!



On top of all that truck madness, we are hit with a surprisingly calm, cozy, lovely ending.

The little dinosaur on that last truck truly hit a soft spot for me. Go find out!


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