Rebecca Goodhew

RebeccaGoodhewRebecca Goodhew spent most of her childhood playing in the woods in rural Suffolk making bows and arrows, wishing she was Maid Marian from the 90s’ CBBC TV show. Always a country mouse, she left her beloved village for a few years whilst attempting to become an adult, living in Norwich for a while before heading of to university in Buckinghamshire to study a BA in English and Creative Writing. Not long after that, she became a Reception teacher in order to have a legitimate reason for buying LOTS of picture books. Rebecca is currently taking a break from teaching in order to raise a family, having spent the last four years having 3 sons, but the accumulation of picture books has come in very handy!

Rebecca is passionate about teaching early reading skills, and particularly loves rhyming stories & nonsense poetry. She loves books that have illustrations that you can get lost in – Jackie Morris being a particular favourite artist.

She also has, buried somewhere in her study, a couple of stories that she has written and hopefully will one day turn them in to picture books. She is enthusiastic about getting children involved in nature and loves a good nature book to share with her boys as well as getting them outside and making bows and arrows with them!

Twitter: @beccaroo4

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