Mini Rabbit Come Home by John Bond


Okay, let’s just agree that this mini tiny teeny teensy-weensy little rabbit is the most adorable thing ever! There is something about those as-big-as-his-head eyes and his tiny red dot for a nose that really tickles my heart.

Anyway, Mini Rabbit is very excited to set up a camp outside the house and spend the night toasting marshmallows on the fire. He goes to the market to get the last few things for his camp but he needs to hurry up because the weather is turning.

This is one of those books that are probably entirely digitally made but you can’t really tell because some elements are very close to traditional. Honestly, it does not matter, the result is beautiful and resembles an old style of gouache that I really like. I just can’t get over of how adorable the illustrations are, but don’t let the cuteness fool you. When the weather turns and things go completely wrong you can see some really scary spreads and Mini Rabbit can look very helpless. Luckily we have mommy rabbit to make everything well again.


Fun to read aloud, funny to see, and cute as it can be. Mini Rabbit goes through challenges to make a fun camp and ends up having the best of both worlds.


John Bond
John Bond

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