Michelle Robinson is the picture book author of A Beginner’s Guide to Bear Spotting, Chicken Nugget and the much anticipated Goodnight Spaceman (launched from space by Tim Peake!) … and that’s just for the beginning of 2016.
Absolutely delighted to welcome Michelle to answer My Book Corner’s questions …
Tell us about you in 25 words or less.
I’m a very happy mum and children’s author. I live in Frome, Somerset. I like books, cats and cake. FACT: I cannot physically fart.
What makes you happy?
Where is your favourite place to write?
I tend to write best sitting on my bed with my laptop, under the covers even when fully clothed (you get cold sitting still and typing for long periods). My bed is in the attic room, the ceiling is very high and sloping and the room is lovely and bright. I can hear birds singing, school children playing and, every now and then, the local quarrymen blasting rock. BOOM.
What’s on your TBR pile at the moment?
‘The Lie Tree’ by Frances Hardinge, ‘Career of Evil’ by Robert Galbraith and ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle’ by Shirley Jackson. I really need to buy myself a copy of ‘Snappsy The Alligator (Did Not Ask to be in This Book)’ by Julie Falatko.
What’s the strangest question you’ve ever been asked?
‘Would you mind going to Iraq on Monday to interview some soldiers on the frontline?’ This from my creative director in the middle of the invasion. I got signed off with stress before Monday came around (can’t imagine why…), so luckily I didn’t need to answer.
What’s your worst habit?
Cleaning and tidying. I hate it, but I have to stay on top of it so that my brain can be free to wander when it’s time to write. I can’t relax in a mucky house, and if I can’t relax, I can’t write.
Your favourite word(s)?
Poppycock and fiddlesticks, because you don’t hear mild old fashioned curses enough these days and they always take the edge off a grump.
What are your top tips for budding picture book writers?
Keep writing until you can do it with the stabilisers off.
Can you give us a glimpse / hint at your current WIP? (I can bribe you with cake & cups of tea!)
I’m juggling four different stories at the minute. They’re all very different from one another, and they’re all at various stages of completion. This morning I’ve been mucking about with Old Mother Hubbard.
Did we forget anything?
If you did, I wouldn’t notice. Two children and two rounds of major surgery have left me extremely scatterbrained and forgetful. I almost forgot to answer these questions.
Just for fun
Tea or coffee? Tea, not too strong. Milk but no sugar.
Paper books or e-books? Paper, but I love audiobooks too.
Cake or chocolate? Chocolate cake.
Write or type? Type and doodle.
Poetry or prose? Both (reading and writing).
Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin? Hufflepuff.
Hot or cold? Hot.