Just Like Me by Louise Gooding & illos by Angel Chang, Caterina Delli Carri, cathyhookey & Melissa Iwai


Just Like Me, written by Louise Gooding and featuring amazing illustrations from Angel Chang, Caterina Delli Carri, cathyhookey & Melissa Iwai features 40 wonderful people, who happen to be neurologically or physically diverse. Stories about whom, Gooding strongly felt, “needed to have their stories heard.”

What Louise Gooding does, is highlight that as human beings we are diverse in many, many different ways. Some of these ways can be seen, others can’t. With factual information provided on each page, this book will help to highlight the ways in which we are all unique, hopefully leading to meaningful discussions around inclusion.

Each of the profiles, accompanied by a fabulous portrait illustration, gives a biography of the featured person.

My pick of the profiles is that of Simone Biles. Like the author Louise Gooding, Simone Biles has also been diagnosed with ADHD.


Simone, a gymnast, has won over 30 World Championships and Olympic medals. ADHD is just one part of who she is.

“Our uniqueness is what makes us who we are.”

Louise Gooding

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