Interview with Terrie Chilvers – Author of Michael The Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog

We have the  lovely chapter book author Terrie Chilvers answering our ‘Infamous Questions’ today as part of the blog tour for her new children’s book Micheal The Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog. I love Terrie’s encouraging tips for writers, and her approach to managing her own writing pitfalls!


Author Terrie Chilvers…and Michael?

  1. Tell us about yourself in 25 words or less?

I’m Terrie. I write funny chapter books for children and I smile at dogs in the street. Is that 25 words yet? It is now!

  1. Your new book, Michael The Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog comes out tomorrow. Can you tell us a little bit about how it came to be?

The actual concept was born in a writing exercise during a writing workshop I did at Citylit (run by Lou Kuenzler, the BEST writing tutor for children’s books!). I’d been wanting to write something with a sausage dog protagonist and when thinking about what kind of talent an ambitious dachshund might have, mind-reading seemed like a great fit!

  1. What does a typical day look like for you?

On Mondays and Tuesdays I have a day job (copywriting and social media management) and on the other days of the week, I write. I’m not really an early bird or night owl when it comes to writing – I tend to write in the middle bit of the day, interspersed with a lot of TV and social media breaks. I prefer to write in lots of short bursts rather than big stretches. And I need lots of cups of tea and hot chocolate, plus walks in the park when I need inspiration.

  1. What’s on your TBR pile at the moment?

Lots! I’m currently reading Small Bites Back!, the super funny sequel to Small! by Hannah Moffatt. I’m also late to the Skandar party and have just started the first one, which I’m loving.

  1. What are your top tips for budding writers?

Keep going! When I first started writing I found it useful to keep writing and resist the urge to edit too much along the way, but everyone is different – find what works for you and stick with it.

  1. Ok, here’s a challenge… can you sum up your book in five words? [runs and hides!]

Fun. Fame. Friendship. Fabulous waistcoats.

  1. What makes you happy?

Dogs, sunshine and chocolate.

  1. What’s your worst habit?

Getting distracted when I’m supposed to be writing! But I’ve learned to embrace it a bit – as long as I’m writing in between the distracted moments and don’t get off track for too long, I know that eventually I’ll get things done.

  1. Your favourite word(s) and why –

Discombobulated. It’s fun to say!

  1. Is there anything that’s surprised you about the publishing process?

Probably the length of time the whole process takes – you have to learn to be super patient, but it’s worth it.

  1. Can you give us a glimpse / hint at your current WIP? (I can bribe you with cake!)

I can tell you that there will be a new adventure for Michael in 2024! And this time he has to turn detective (along with his faithful sidekick, Stanley Big Dog of course). I’m always working on something BRAND NEW, but you’ll have to read my mind to find out about that ????

Just for fun

Tea or coffee? Hot chocolate!

Paper books or e-books? Paper books

Cake or chocolate? Chocolate, followed by cake

Write or type? Type

Poetry or prose? Prose

Hot or cold? Hot


Catch up with the rest of the blog tour following the social media handles below!

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