Flooded by Mariajo Ilustrajo

I must say that I am really glad to be one of the first to review Mariajo Ilustrajo’s debut. For me, and already many others, this is the true work of a quality picture book maker.

Not only for the beautiful illustrations (you know I love mark making and a limited palette), but for how organically the narrative flows through the pages, and for the message that comes in them. Flooded is a moving story that reflects our times now, and perhaps gives us a warning about the near future.

The animals in the story are busy people who live their individual lives without really looking beyond themselves. Used to and adapted to the uncommon water flow that spreads through the city, each animal goes through their respective routine wearing either wellies, goggles, or oxygen bottles. Most animals seem to ignore the issue, others even have a bit of fun with it. In truth no one really cares about it, except this little one who foresees the imminent danger. He tries to warn the population but is completely ignored. Soon, the level of water that began at most ankles suddenly reaches the antlers. What seemed to be a problem that fell equally on everyone was in reality affecting every species differently. But it does not stop there. Panic spreads more evenly when even the tallest of the giraffes is now completely submersed.

“No one knew what to do… except for a little someone who had known from the beginning. If only the others had listened to him, the problem would never have become so huge”.

In the end, by coming all together the problem is finally solved and the water is drained away.

The visual and sensorial aspects of this narrative are priceless!

It all becomes real when the water rises and the blue ink takes over the spreads in full bleed. At this point, only the magic of some paper engineering could actually save the characters and reader. This is what I call a literally breathtaking experience!

With wit and humour, Flooded touches the subject of community, compassion, and equality versus equity. A beautiful, fun, and moving picture book for all ages, times, and cultures. Well done, Mariajo!


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