Discover our Solar System by Colin Stuart & Charlie Brandon-King


Discover our Solar System, written by Colin Stuart, is jam packed full of out of this world facts about our awe-inspiring solar system. The illustrations by Charlie Brandon-King will definitely capture your child’s imagination. The front cover is inviting and eye-catching, and the sparkly stars are a lovely touch.

This non-fiction book is aimed at children aged 7+, but my 4 year old daughter was fascinated by it. I really feel there’s something in here for everyone, even adults! I was amazed to discover that Saturn’s rings are made up of ice chunks, each the size of a house, and that Saturn’s density is lower than water, meaning it would float in water!
This book discusses each planet in turn, but there is also so much more within its pages. Budding astronomers can enjoy delving into the history of the Space Race and finding out about the International Space Station.

Discover our Solar System is a perfect book for all space-crazed children. If your child isn’t a space fanatic, by the time they’ve read this, they will be!

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