Hugest welcome to writer Ross Sayers. Ross Sayers’s second book, Sonny and Me, has just been released – “a brilliant insight into the world of realistic choices made by those in so deep they can’t see any way out.” Delighted that he has popped into My Book Corner today…
Tell us about you in 25 words or less.
I’m Ross, a writer originally from Stirling now living and working in Glasgow. I write non-bestselling, non-award-winning novels.
Sonny and Me, your latest Young Adult book, has just been released. How did it come to be?
I began writing Sonny and Me in 2017, after my first book had just come out. I was lucky enough that Cranachan’s new Gob Stopper YA imprint was looking for titles and I’m really proud to be the first book released under Gob Stopper. It was 2 years of hard work so I’m not nervous about it coming out at all ???
What’s the key thing you’d like readers to take away from Sonny and Me?
I hope they enjoy themselves mostly. I’ve tried to depict high school as I remember it, while also updating it for the modern day, so fingers crossed it rings true for folk for all ages. And obviously if readers wanted to give me incredible reviews, praise me unconditionally, and buy my books full price, that’d be good too.
Where is your favourite place to create?
I do most of my writing in a chair in my flat in front of the telly. I like a bit of football or something in the background so I can skive whenever I fancy. I couldn’t face trying to write in a café. What if someone spilled coffee on my laptop? I’d need to beat them to a pulp. And the wi-fi might be dodgy as well.
What’s on your TBR pile at the moment?
At the moment I have: Up the Come Up by Angie Thomas and Shadowscent by PM Freestone. Also can’t wait for Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron.
What’s your worst habit?
To give a balanced answer to this question, I asked my entire family, friend group and girlfriend what my worst habit is. And none of them could think of anything. Weird.
The strangest question you’ve even been asked?
I was doing an author visit in a primary school when a wee boy asked me, out of nowhere, if I was Polish. That was an odd one. (I am a ¼ Polish so the kid might have some sort of gift)
Your favourite word(s)?
Right, well I probably can’t mention most of them so let’s go with: ‘serenity’, ‘jeezo’, and ‘ross your books changed my life’.
Can you give us a glimpse / hint at your current WIP? (I can bribe you with cake!)
So I’m about half way through writing a first draft of book 3. It’s about a young woman who goes back in time 16 days on the Glasgow Subway and has to save someone’s life to get back to her own timeline…
Did we forget anything?
To recap: my new book Sonny and Me, out now! My first book Mary’s the Name, also out now! My third book, not out now and probably won’t be for some time! (but you can find me on Twitter @Sayers33 to tide you over til then)
Just for fun
Tea or coffee?
I don’t really do hot drinks…get me a can of Lilt and then we’re talking.
Seaside or countryside?
I suppose countryside. Seaside means sand which means sand in crevices where I don’t need sand. I’m talking about my private bits, to be clear.
Paper books or e-books?
I’m good with either!
Cake or chocolate?
Chocolate. (I’ll be the one to say it: birthday cake is overrated. Yes, I’m brave to admit it.)
Write or type?
Type. I can’t even read my own writing. (Also you really don’t want my signature on a book, it decreases the value immediately.)
Poetry or prose?
Prose, although I did do my undergrad dissertation in poetry and boy did I wing that.
Hot or cold?
I’m going with secret option 3: the absolute tune ‘Hot N Cold’ by Katy Perry. BELTTER.
Read My Book Corner’s review of Sonny and Me – “you will laugh, cry and shout for joy ”
You can read more My Book Corner interviews here.